Most victims of the Beastmen are killed, but those who are not suffer a far worse fate.īeastmen first arose in the ancient past when the polar warpgates collapsed and the raw magic of Chaos first spewed into the world. They range through the secret Beast-Paths of the woods, ambushing the unwary or the isolated. Beastmen are especially common in the Chaos Wastes, The Old World and Naggaroth. Most resemble a sickening blend of horned beast and man, though there are many other variations such as some resembling dogs, pigs or insects, and those in the Far East are said to resemble tigers or apes. "Tear down their totems, befoul their colours! Kill the kings and burn the priests! Into the mud with them, break their skulls and eat their hearts!"īeastmen are a bestial, Chaos-touched race of horned creatures who dwell in the dark forests of the Warhammer World. Corruption: Beastmen spread Chaos Corruption but don't take any penalties in areas without it.Roster: Lightly armoured, mobile, hard-hitting units, and many monsters.The Dark Moon: Beastmen have unique dilemmas which trigger every 7 turns, when the Chaos Moon is full.Stances: Beastmen armies have a chance to ambush by default, and use Beast-Paths to cross impassable terrain.Dread: A unique resource gained after victories, spent on upgrades, confederation and unit cap increases.Causing further Devastation will increase Marks of Ruination, unlocking unit/army caps. When razing a settlement, they can erect a Herdstone.